Support Humanitarian Aid During the Israel-Hamas War

Our hearts go out to the victims of of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Here are some verified charities/humanitarian aid efforts to support people affected by the Israel-Hamas War. 

Anera - food, blood donation, hygiene kits

ActionAid - emergency response fund 

ICRC - medical aid

Magen David Adom - emergency medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service

Middle East Children's Alliance - emergency assistance to families who have fled their homes to seek shelter with relatives as well as procuring emergency medical supplies for hospitals and clinics 

Palestine Children's Relief Fund - access to medical care, mental health support and essential supplies for kids in Gaza

UNRWA - food and cash assistance to thousands of Palestine refugee families

UNICEFon the ground in Gaza delivering medical supplies and fuel, as well as mental health and psychosocial support

World Central Kitchen - feeding families impacted by the conflict in Gaza, Israel & Lebanon